A world of Mystery Disappearing Under our Feet

A world of mystery disappearing under our feet!

We often take for granted the things that we can see and touch every day. But there is a world of mystery and hidden beauty disappearing under our feet. Soil is one of the most important but often overlooked resources on Earth. It is the foundation of all terrestrial ecosystems and the food we eat.

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Soil is seemed as a non-renewable useful resource as it takes heaps of years to form. However, it is being lost at an alarming rate due to human activity. Every year, an estimated 30% of the world’s productive soil is lost or degraded. This has serious consequences for the environment and human wellbeing.

This blog will explore the hidden world of soils and the threats they face. It will also look at what we can do to protect this vital resource.

A world of mystery disappearing under our feet!
A world of mystery disappearing under our feet!

In just the last century, we’ve seen an exponential increase in the rate of species extinction. While there are many causes of this, one of the most significant is the loss of habitat. As human populations have grown, we’ve increasingly encroached on the natural world, destroying ecosystems and wildlife habitat in the process.

One of the places this is happening most rapidly is in the rainforests of the world. These forests are home to an incredible diversity of plant and animal life, and they play a vital role in the global climate. But they’re being destroyed at an alarming rate, with an estimated 2.4 million acres lost each year.

If we want to Save the world’s rainforests, we need to act now. This blog will explore the issue in further detail and offer some suggestions on what you can do to help.

Climate change

Climate change is the result of changes in the Earth’s climate system over time. These changes have been caused by natural processes (such as variations in solar output) and human activities (like the burning of fossil fuels).

The effects of these changes vary across different regions of the world and at different timescales. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), established under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), is the leading international body for assessing scientific, technical,

and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the causes of climate change, its impacts, and options for adaptation and mitigation.

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Desertification of the Mystery

Desertification is the loss of land due to degradation of soils, water scarcity, salinization, and desertification. It is a major environmental problem in arid and semi-arid lands, where agriculture is practiced. Desertification is a global phenomenon, affecting both developed and developing countries alike. In some cases, desertification may lead to the formation of deserts.


Deforestation is the removal of trees and vegetation from the earth’s surface. It occurs naturally when forests are cut down or burned, but deforestation also happens when people clear forested land for farming, logging, mining, urban expansion, etc.

Deforestation is often considered to be a contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, since it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Ocean acidification

Ocean acidification refers to the decrease in ocean pH, which is caused by increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2. As the oceans take up more dissolved CO2, they become less alkaline and more acidic. This effect is already being observed in coastal waters around the globe.


Erosion is the gradual wearing a way of rocks, dirt, and other types of material by wind, rain, ice, and other agents. It is a type of mass wasting. Erosion is a natural occurrence, but humans can accelerate erosion by altering the landscape.

Water pollution

Water pollution is the introduction of substances into water bodies that cause harm to aquatic organisms. Pollution comes from many sources including industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, sewage treatment plant effluents, and domestic wastewater.

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Ozone depletion

Ozone depletion is the reduction of ozone levels in the stratosphere. Stratospheric ozone is a layer of oxygen about 10–20 km above the Earth’s surface. It absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. When ozone levels are depleted, more ultraviolet radiation reaches the ground, causing increased skin cancer rates among humans who spend significant amounts of time outside.

Disappearing forests

Forests are home to many species of animals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and even some mammals. Forests provide homes for these species and protect them from predators. These forests have been disappearing at alarming rates due to deforestation and habitat destruction. In fact, we may lose half of our remaining tropical rainforests by 2030.

Forests play a critical role in regulating the global temperature and providing clean air and water. Forests also help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and protect against erosion. Sadly, deforestation continues to cause the destruction of forests around the world. By 2050, it is estimated that forest coverage could shrink by 40%.

Disappearing wetlands of Mystery

Wetlands are places where fresh water meets land. Wetlands act as natural sponges, absorbing pollutants and excess nutrients. They also serve as habitats for wildlife. Unfortunately, wetlands are being drained and filled to make room for agriculture and urbanization.

Wetlands are incredibly valuable ecosystems that not only purify water, but also filter out pollutants and act as flood protection zones. Unfortunately, wetlands are being drained and developed at an unsustainable rate.

Disappearing ice caps

Ice caps are frozen masses of water located on the poles. Ice caps are melting due to global warming, causing sea levels to rise. If current trends continue, we could see a rise of 8 feet by 2100.

 Disappearing glaciers

Glaciers are huge bodies of ice that flow slowly down mountains. Glaciers are constantly losing mass due to warmer temperatures and increased precipitation. As they melt, they contribute to rising sea levels.

Disappearing grasslands

Grasslands are open fields of green vegetation. Grasslands are often found in savannas and prairies. Humans began converting grasslands to farmland beginning in the 16th century. Today, humans use over 40% of the world’s grassland area.

Disappearing wildlife

The world’s wildlife population is declining at an alarming rate. In fact, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), over 50% of species are facing extinction. Many factors contribute to this decline including habitat loss, climate change, pollution, invasive species, poaching, and human activity. As humans continue to expand their footprint across the globe, we are seeing the disappearance of many species.

 Disappearing oceans


Oceans cover 70% of our planet’s surface area. However, they are home to 25% of marine species and provide us with oxygen and much-needed food. Unfortunately, ocean ecosystems are under threat due to climate change, overfishing, pollution, and coastal development. Overfishing alone causes the death of approximately 100 million fish each year.

Oceans cover 71% of the earth’s surface. Oceans play a main characteristic in climate regulation. They help regulate temperature and water cycle. However, they are also under threat. Overfishing, pollution, ocean acidification, and warming temperatures are threatening the existence of coral reefs, marine ecosystems, and sea creatures.

Disappearing ice sheets

Glaciers are considered natural time capsules that offer insight to past climates. Ice cores allow scientists to reconstruct past climatic changes. While some glaciers have been retreating since 1850, others are now showing significant retreat.

Disappearing coral reefs

Coral reefs are extremely diverse ecosystems that provide shelter for marine animals and aid in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Unfortunately, coral reefs are dying off rapidly because of warming waters and ocean acidification. Coral reef decline impacts countless species of both plants and animals.

Coral reefs are underwater mountain ranges comprised of tiny organisms (coral) and algae. Coral reefs are many of the maximum biologically various ecosystems on Earth. They are also home to hundreds of thousands of species of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, echinoderms, and other aquatic invertebrates. Unfortunately, human activities are damaging coral reefs, making them less able to sustain aquatic life.

Disappearing freshwater supplies

Freshwater supplies are becoming increasingly scarce as demand increases. Freshwater withdrawals worldwide were about 75 billion gallons per day in 2010. By 2025, experts predict that number will increase to 110 billion gallons per day.


  1. The Earth
    The earth is a planet that is constantly changing. It is always moving and evolving. There is no way to stop it from doing what it does. We humans have been able to change the earth over time, but we cannot control everything that happens on it.
  2. Humans
    Humans are the only species on earth that can truly understand how to change the world around them. We can make changes to our environment, but we cannot completely control it. We do not know what will happen if we continue to destroy the earth.
  3. Plants
    Plants are the basis of life on earth. Without them, nothing would exist. Plants soak up carbon dioxide and deliver off oxygen. They use water and sunlight to create food. They also help clean the air and keep us alive.
  4. Animals
    Animals are the ones who eat plants and animals. They play a big role in keeping the balance of nature. They also help us survive.
  5. Climate Change
    Climate change is the result of human activity. It is caused by burning fossil fuels and deforestation. It affects the weather patterns and causes extreme temperatures.
  6. Water
    Water is necessary for life on earth. It keeps the oceans and lakes full. It helps plants grow and gives us drinking water.
  7. Pollution
    Pollution is the result of human activities. It comes from things like factories, cars, and power plants. It harms the environment and makes people sick.

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