Public Health Care and Medical Specialty

What are the main differences between general practice and public health medicine?

Public Health Medicine (PHM) is a medical specialty that focuses on preventing disease and promoting well-being through population-based approaches. PHM practitioners are trained to identify risk factors and implement interventions at the community level. They also provide care to individuals who are ill or injured.

Public Health Care
Public Health Care

 General Practice (GP) is a broad term that encompasses all primary care services provided by physicians. GP doctors treat patients with acute illnesses and injuries, manage chronic diseases, and provide preventive care.

Public Health Specialty

 The public health specialty is a medical subspecialty that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and control of disease and disability among populations. The field of public health includes many different disciplines including epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, nutrition, occupational safety and health, behavioral sciences, community medicine, health services research, health policy, health promotion, health education, health administration, and biomedical engineering.


 An epidemiologist is a scientist who studies the causes, distribution, and determinants of disease in human populations. An epidemiologist uses statistical methods to analyze data collected from observational studies (e.g., case-control studies) and experimental studies (e.g., randomized controlled trials).


 A biostatistician is a professional statistician whose primary focus is on the design, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of clinical trials and other types of scientific investigations involving humans. A biostatistician may specialize in any aspect of statistics, including descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, regression modeling, survival analysis, time series analysis, longitudinal data analysis, cluster sampling, and Bayesian inference.

Environmental Health Specialist

 Environmental health specialists work to protect the environment and human health from exposure to hazardous substances. Their work involves investigating and preventing pollution, educating people about safe practices, and providing information about how to prevent illness.


 Nutritionists study food and its effects on the body. They use their knowledge to help individuals make informed decisions about what foods they should eat. Nutritionists also conduct research to determine if certain diets are healthier than others.

(OSH) Occupational safety and Health

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Occupational Safety and Health Specialist

 Occupational safety and health specialists work to ensure workers have access to a safe working environment. They also educate employers and employees about workplace hazards and provide training programs to reduce risks.

Behavioral Scientist

 Behavioral scientists study the behavior of animals and humans. They investigate how behaviors affect our lives and learn how we can change those behaviors.

  1. Introduce the topic of public health and discuss the importance of medical professionals working together to protect the public.
  2. Discuss the role of public health in prevention and the importance of early detection and treatment of illness.
  3. Discuss the impact of public health on the economy and the importance of research into new ways to prevent illness.
  4. Discuss the importance of public health in the global community and the role of medical professionals in international health initiatives.
  5. Summarize the key points of public health and offer recommendations for future research and practice.
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