Do you Fall in American Lower, Middle, or Upper class?

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Are you one of the many American who are struggling to make ends meet? If so, this article should be of help. You see, while many workers struggle to get by on little or no wages, there are many others who are struggling just as much as they are making do.

The good news is that there are a variety of ways to better your chances for financial security and independence by falling within an entire group of Americans known as the middle class. These Americans enjoy low rates of unemployment, free health care and other benefits that go along with being a member of society at large.

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They also have greater opportunities for growth and development than those in other segments of our society. Wrong! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only about 25% of Americans fall into one of these groups. Instead, most Americans including many who identify as belonging to one of these four groups fall between the middle class and the upper class. So what makes these four groups different? Let’s take a look:

The lower class

The lower class is precisely what it sounds like: an oppressed and largely untouchable group in American society. The lower class is defined by income, salary, education, and the fact that most people in this group have little to nothing to show for it other than tears and a complaints heart. They also have little to no say in what happens in the world around them.

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For example, if a lower-class person goes to work for a company that has overhead access to the American public, they might be subjected to bullying, in-theater bullying, forms of solitary confinement, and other forms of verbal and physical intimidation. While these are all normal and everyday occurrences for anyone else in this position, for the people in the lower-class group it can be catastrophic.

The middle class

The middle class is a group of people who, on average, make more than the lower class group. In fact, with a few adjustments, the middle class is people who fall somewhere between the two. The middle class has a number of distinctions that distinguish it from the lower class group:


The salary that someone makes is often the determining factor in how much money they can spend. This is usually determined by their employment history, education, and the type of work that the individual does.


This is usually determined by a person’s time of birth and mainly affects the generations that live in the same household. The higher a person’s education, the better their chance of success.

Health Care:

This is usually determined by the length of time that a person has been under medical care and is therefore very likely in need of medical care.

What makes Americans in the lower and middle classes special?

The very first thing that comes to mind when you think of Americans in the lower and middle classes is their wealth. While it is certainly true that most people live in poverty, it is also true that this group is rich compared to the rest of the population. The upper class has a constant threat of poverty, while the middle class has the luxury of having a sense of security and self-determination. The middle class also has advantages that may be different from those of the lower-class group:

An ability to work when and if needed: The ability to work when and if needed is a hallmark of the middle class is often taken as a positive. This means that people in this group are more likely to be able to take time out of their schedule to look after themselves and their families.

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Health insurance: Health insurance is a must for any middle class person. This means that they are likely to be able to afford the premium for their plan and to take out any coverage that they need.

Free and reliable education: Finally, people in the middle class tend to have better access to quality education than those in other segments of society. This means that they are more likely to be able to take advantage of any extra support that is available.

The upper class

The upper class is a rare group in American society. While many people may identify as belonging to this group, it is actually made up of two distinct groups. The first group consists of people who have achieved high levels of financial security through the hard work and creativity of their own kind.

The second group is made up of people who have achieved financial security through trade unions and other forms of collective action.

You’re One of These

If you fall between the two groups, you are likely to experience particularly negative affects. The upper class group has its advantages:

Free health care: This group also benefits from having free health care as well as a complete array of other benefits. The middle class person on the other hand is likely to rely on government healthcare programs and have limited coverage.

Free education: This group also benefits from the fact that they have free or relatively inexpensive education. The main difference, though, is that they can choose which form of education they want because they have the option to do so.

Free or cheap transportation: The people in this group also have less stringent requirements on how and when they can utilize transportation. This means that there is less of an opportunity for alcohol and other drugs to get in the way of someone getting on a train or bus.

The independent woman

The independent woman is a group of people that includes many people who are not members of any organized group. They are often self-reliant, independent, and often do not have many obligations to society at all. They are often single, quite poor, and may have difficulty finding appropriate employment.

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Many people are under the notion that achieving financial independence must be a slow, difficult process. In fact, it can be hard for people to see financial independence as a goal because it is often depicted as being difficult or even impossible to achieve. The beta group of income earners are the ones who often fall into this trap.

They often picture financial independence as being a ” FIXED” goal while the independent woman sees it as an “ATO” (anytime, any place) goal. The beta group averages between 30 and 50 percent of the money made in an industry. The independent woman reads about potential jobs and pays particular attention to any perks that such jobs may provide.


The good news is that it is possible to fall within the lower and middle classes of American, as well as fall outside of these groups, just as anyone can. The work that you do, the effort that you make, and the support that you provide are all important factors in determining your financial security. Your chances of financial success will depend on the type of work that you do and the amount of support that you provide.

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